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Do you want to delve into the mind of your dream client, know exactly how to speak to them and quadruple your bookings?


I’m your girl!

You’ve landed here right now because you understand the crucial role of copy as a wedding creative. In an era of curated, peony-blush themed Instagram feeds (as beautiful as they may be) words are that little slice of cake that truly set your brand apart from the rest.


Visuals showcase your beautiful work and give a spoonful of your brand identity, but words connect, magnetise, charm, inspire and sell to that dreamboat couple you have always wanted to work with.


You’re a designer, artist, crafter, maker, baker, shaper, creator… not a writer and that is perfectly okay to admit.

Do you ever get the feeling that...

Allow me to step in, link your arm and be your wedding business wordsmith. Whether you’re looking for a complete website transformation or power hour strategy session to clear the fog, I’m armed with a sharpened pencil in my left hand, a cup of tea in my right and ready to turn your word worries into featherlight freedom.

Browse my suite of copywriting packages here and let’s sweeten up your wedding business words in a pinch!


Your visually stunning website with all the bells and whistles isn’t sealing the deal with your dream clients?

Image by Ella Jardim

Your services, product descriptions and packages were thrown together at lightning speed because you just wanted to tick it off your ever-growing to do list?

Your daily wrangle to post on social media is like searching for inspiration in a pitch-dark room?

Image by Ella Jardim

Your blinking cursor is far too familiar, and you’re often lost for words when replying to emails or rolling out on-demand marketing collateral?

Image by Ella Jardim

Your fellow industry colleagues steal the show and do everything “so much better” than you?

Your blogging strategy represents that expiring jar of coconut oil in your kitchen cupboard? (You plan on creating something delicious with it one day, but just not today, right?)

Image by Ella Jardim

You’re neglecting your craft because you’re spending way too long writing your website and planning social media posts?

You’re overwhelmed with wedding business advice and you just want to know what really works?

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